GUI Design Studio 2.3 Released

March 9th, 2007

We’re pleased to announce that GUI Design Studio version 2.3 has now been released and is available for immediate download. If you’ve already tried a previous version then check your email today for download instructions otherwise please request a trial. There’s a host of new features in this version, including: Enhancements for Web application design […]

Announcing the winner of our "spot the film" competition…

October 23rd, 2006

Thanks to those that took part in this little bit of fun, both on the blog and by email. The correct answer to the film is of course “Harvey“, made in 1950 and starring James Stewart. It’s a wonderful film that you really must see! The odd one out in the cast list was Mary […]

GUI Design Studio Clones Microsoft Outlook?

October 18th, 2006

Following last week’s launch of GUI Design Studio version 2.2, we’ve had quite a few questions about what it’s really capable of and maybe you’ve been wondering about that yourself. We figured the best way to answer that was by way of an example prototype design. The trouble was, we didn’t have anything big enough or suitable […]

Low-Fidelity or High-Fidelity Prototypes for Software?

October 12th, 2006

Let me quickly explain the terms here. Fidelity refers to the level of detail, accuracy or coverage of a prototype. It can relate to functionality but most people use the term in relation to visual appearance and that’s what I’ll be referring to here. So the lowest of the low-fidelity prototypes are very quick hand […]

GUI Design Studio 2.2 Released

October 10th, 2006

Caretta Software GUI Design Studio version 2.2 is now available for immediate download. If you’ve already tried it then check your email today for download instructions otherwise you can request a trial. In the last post I mentioned the new fonts support in 2.2. You can see from this screenshot that the Typeface picker has […]

GUI Design Studio 2.2 Introduces International Features

October 6th, 2006

GUI Design Studio version 2.2 will be released next Tuesday (10 October 2006). It’s a little later than we’d initially planned but we wanted to make sure it was well tested and as robust as possible before release. With so many users finding new ways to use the tool, we encountered a few behavioural hiccups […]

The GUI Design Gallery Is Now Open!

July 3rd, 2006

We’ve now set up our GUI Design Gallery on the Caretta Software Web site. This will showcase selected prototypes created using GUI Design Studio. We’ll be adding more designs to the Gallery on a monthly basis. Each featured design is described with a video walkthough of the prototype in action so you can see how […]

New GUI Design Gallery Opening Soon

June 14th, 2006

Preparations are under way for a new user interface design gallery on the Caretta Software Web site. This will showcase design prototypes created using GUI Design Studio. Instead of putting up lots of static screenshots, we’re going to experiment with video clips to show what each design prototype can do. There’ll also be full descriptions and […]

GUI Design Studio 2.1 Released

June 2nd, 2006

Here at Caretta Software, we’re proud to announce the release of GUI Design Studio 2.1 with immediate availablility. This new version includes: Distribution file creation (see earlier post) Main design file selection to save time when simulating changes Faster refreshing to make a big difference on complex designs Tab Bar element changes for more flexible designs […]

Easier GUI Design Distributions Are On Their Way

May 26th, 2006

If you’re working within a team of designers then you’ll appreciate the way that GUI Design Studio stores designs in separate files so that you can all work on parts of the same project at the same time. But when you want to send your whole GUI design project to someone for review then you […]