November 1st, 2017
Version 5.2 is a maintenance release of GUI Design Studio with a couple of important new features.
Until now, tables of data stored in comma separated value (CSV) files could only be applied to flat data elements such as List Boxes and Tables (aka Grids).
This has changed with Tree elements now able to support data table content to replace any node. In addition, by supplying a ‘Parent’ field, this can be hierarchical to produce a complete sub-tree from CSV data. It even works across multiple data tables for relational content.
New Tree variables have been added to support this functionality:
For details on these additional variables and a full explanation of how to use this new feature, please see the “Filling a Tree with table data” topic in the online help (“Help > Contents > How to Use Data Tables”).
If you’ve downloaded any design libraries, templates or other resources, you may have found it a bit of a pain to follow the instructions and make sure the files got installed to the correct location.
A new “File | Install Resources…” menu command has been added to make this much simpler.
It will allow any of the following to be easily added to the tool without having to unzip or copy to the correct shared data folder: