GUI Design Studio 3.6 Released With New Calendar Elements

January 28th, 2010

GUI Design Studio version 3.6 is now available for immediate download. This is most likely the last 3.x maintenance release before we launch version 4.0 next month. It contains some fixes and changes based on customer requests and is a free upgrade for all registered users. For customers using any prior version of GUI Design […]

GUI Design Studio 4.0 Preview – Part 1: New Interaction

January 26th, 2010

Later this week we’ll be releasing what’s probably the last of the 3.x versions of GUI Design Studio before version 4.0 is released in about 5 weeks time. Version 4 of GUI Design Studio represents a big move forward. The big areas of new features are Interactivity on Controls, Templates and Custom Elements. In this […]

How Important is Label Placement and Alignment in Forms?

January 21st, 2010

To some, it may seem like a trivial or even mundane point to even give any thought to this at all. But choosing suitable placement for your form labels can be very important indeed. The experts at UXmatters have done extensive research in this area and have a lot to say on the subject. In […]

Software Prototyping – Part 3: Tools

January 11th, 2010

In the first two articles we discussed why you should consider creating prototypes and whether that prototype should have a role just in the design phase as a “Throwaway Prototype” versus an “Evolutionary Prototype” that may evolve into the final product. While functional prototypes always involve development tools (and associated skills), there are, essentially, four […]